Saturday, June 2, 2012

If you’re a fan of the iPhone and Android photo sharing app Picplz, you only have one more month to enjoy its pleasures. In a blog post and email late Friday, developer Mixed Media Labs announced the demise of the app:

On July 3, 2012, picplz will shut down permanently and all photos and data will be deleted. We have provided download links for existing users to save their photos. Thank you for your support of picplz and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

Login before July 3, 2012 to download your photos.
Picplz was competitive with market leader Instagram when both were new, especially since Picplz was available on both the Android and iPhone platforms while Instagram was only available on the iPhone. In February, 2011, when both Picplz and Instagram launched their APIs, Picplz seemed to gain an edge when it added analytics for its users at the same time, as well as the ability to add Creative Commons licensing to photos.

Both apps have the ability to add filters and edges to photos, and can share photos with their own networks as well as friends on Twitter, Flickr and Facebook. But Instagram gained all-important buzz, thus experiencing explosive network growth, making it more desirable than all its competitors.