Friday, June 1, 2012

Have an idea about how to use Facebook to promote human rights? Your concept might earn you $20,000.

Facebook is partnering with the team behind the Access Innovation Prize to reward individuals and businesses for coming up with the best way to use digital tech to promote social good, human rights and development.

Facebook has provided $10,000 toward the award, and Access will match the contribution. The social network will also participate in the judging process.

“The social web is a powerful tool for helping to promote human development around the world,” said Marne Levine, Facebook’s vice president of global public policy, in a statement.

“The Access Facebook Award will help to spur new ideas for leveraging Facebook to improve the world we live in, from creating tools that enhance the free flow of information to developing apps that expand educational access in rural areas, and we look forward to seeing the creative ideas that are submitted.”

Access founded in 2009 works with activists and groups around the world to help them advocate for digital rights. According to the company, the Access Innovation Prize is designed to discover and reward ideas that not only show promise, but also possibility. Applicants are allowed to submit projects that are nearly complete, improve upon an existing idea or come up with something entirely new.

“Tech innovation can deliver powerful human rights outcomes,” said Brett Solomon, Access’ executive director. “At the same time, technologists and digital activists often need financial support to turn an idea into a deployable platform, software or program. We can’t wait to see what gets submitted.”

The application process closes on Aug. 15.