Saturday, August 4, 2012

Will Apple charge $800 for the iPhone 5? Not likely, but a rumor to that effect has been circulating on Twitter.

Two topics related to the rumor  #800dollarsforaniPhone” and “iPhone 5 $800″ were trending on Twitter on Thursday. Most users seemed to treat the topic as an opportunity to show off their comic chops:

The exact origin of the rumor is unclear. According to IBTimes, features a listing on, a Chinese auction site, that shows a photo of what is purported to be the iPhone 5 for the equivalent of $800 to $1,050.

Of course, Apple is keeping any details about a new iPhone close to the vest. Apple has not confirmed numerous reports that peg an announcement relating to the new phone at Sept. 12. An $800 iPhone would be a big jump in price. The current top-of-the-line iPhone 4S with 64 GB of memory sells for $399 with a wireless service plan.