If you’ve ever bought a Groupon for an expensive restaurant in your area, and had a great meal for not a lot of money, you understand the draw of the daily deal sites.
Groupon has been around since late 2008, offering daily deals of discounted gift certificates at national companies. Along came LivingSocial and a slew of competitors and soon, mailboxes were filling up with offers for massages and exercise classes and even Botox treatments.
Lately though, I’m seeing offers for medical and health procedures such as dental cleanings, acupuncture and chiropractic services, even vision exams.
It seems doctors found the “too good to pass up” daily deal form of advertising and marketing too good to pass up. New clients are coming in, and getting huge discounts on medical services.
But we wondered; are they returning for more? Can consumers who have little or no health insurance use daily deals as a way to see a physician, a dentist, an eye doctor, all the basics of keeping healthy?
We want to know if you’ve ever used a Groupon or daily deal for a medical prodecure, or if you plan to. What kinds of deals are coming into your inbox?